Link to a self running presentation of images
קישור למצגת רציפה של תמונות - Link to a self running presentation of images
All the artworks has been done using Photoshop and Photo Draw 2 of Microsoft

You can enjoy the sildes show which presents 
                    my comuterized art :  
Slides#1  Slides#2

I’m doing it with my brain, my talent, my mouse and my brush ... Yudi Marton become one of the first Israeli computer artist more then 25 years ago, beginning with the Commodore/Amiga personal computer, then using PC based Intel® Pentium® processor more then 15 years ago. He has staged several exhibitions of his computer art in Israel, the US (at the Hearst Gallery in a worldwide competition of computer art, at which he won third prize), and in Slovakia/Bratislava at a worldwide multimedia convention to which Marton was sent as a delegate by Intel Israel.

The "Plastic 2000 & 2003" exhibitions which has presented at 10 places at Haifa,Israel area contain about 24 high resultion picture (21,000/19,000 pixels - 1 giga each) done by using photoshop.

יודי - ymarton
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Last updated: Tuesday 10 September 2024